Sounds Like A Party
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Oh and it was.
It started out with the usual. You know, moms says, "We're leaving at 6." I "uh huh" and at 6 I'm checking my email. I figure I should get ready so I head over to decide what to wear. Ask moms for advice, take or discard, run off to iron. My clothes refuse to iron, try some weird pillow trick to not much better results. By this point in time moms is pissed because of some responsibility she undertook which means that we have to get to the wedding early. She lists all her grievances against this current situation while I run around trying to prep for a wedding in the time frame of asap.
So I manage to sort of throw together a dressed up appearance, grab a pair of converted pumps (one of the ankle straps was misplaced at my sister's wedding) and run to the door... or attempt to. After months of wearing sneakers and other flats, I've sort of lost the hang of heels. Like 2-3" and up. So I sort of stagger and somehow make it to the car without twisted ankles and bruises.
So get this, we get to the wedding before all the guests and the bride, her mother, and her sister. So I get to be introduced to my mom's friends and then I head over to the bathroom to finish wedding prep.
I come back and it begins. The bored routine. My mom's friends are actually quite funny and seem to be enjoying themselves. I on the other hand I'm eying the water jug. But I resist because I know that once I pour myself water, it's going to begin. The for-lack-of-something-better-to-do-water sip. Then again I should have just went ahead. Going to the bathroom would give me something to do. Instead, I sat around and got berated about my career goals by several different people. You see, the thing about that question is that I've always had at least something in mind when I'm asked, but I just never disclose. I know myself. Stuff can change (and at times the stuff is just not acceptable to the parties asking) so I'm not going to tell everyone who asks, what my major is. The other bored daughter at our table gave everyone a satisfactory answer. Actually I'm not sure if it was satisfactory but I mean, she had one.
For a while I counted down till it was time to pray, I called people, I mused, I got some appetizers, I complained to myself, etc. Slowly, the hall got more populated. The best thing about being bored at a wedding has to have something to do with food. It's that simple, you are probably the most attentive person in the venue so when the foods out, you'll be the first one on line. And I was. Me and moms of course. So I staggered back and dug in and all too soon the food disappeared. But luckily by then, there were people willing to go home.
Things to do while bored at a wedding
1. Keep refilling your glass.
2. If you drink enough, you may have the opportunity to kill some time going to the bathroom.
2. Play Crash Bandicoot on your cell-phone.
3. Call all those people with whom you suck at keeping contact
4. Go to the bathroom and wash your hands, multiple times for no reason. (well maybe to re-learn to walk in your heels)
5. Try to figure out how to re-fold the napkins.
6. Fill in the blanks for conversations you can see but can't hear.
7. Pray voluntary prayers
8. Look through your mother's bag
9. Try out all the drinks at the Juice bar
10. Redo your hair
11. Identify all the people in the room that you even slightly know and make small talk with each one.
12. Realize that you're not that social and try to determine from who you received the loser gene
13. Give up on number 12 and decide to blame it on your high school gym teacher
14. Figure out what classes you should take in the Spring for your latest major
15. Try to remember all of your teachers since kindergarten
16. Ask your mother something you know she has a story of an answer for and stand there looking like you're not a loser. I'm sure there are some people there who don't know she's your mother.
17. Make a list of all the people you won't invite to your wedding.
18. Stuff your face. Boredom always leads to being well fed.
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