Dedicated to one of the people that matter most to me
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Welcome to a world of duplicates.
God created us in varying forms and personalities. He created us as individuals. God created plants and trees. And even each of those trees is unique.
So why do we seek to all be the same? Just like mass-produced brooms in a discount store. Every person who buys one gets a broom. If one breaks, you buy another because they are one and the same. There is no need for another broom unless the one you have breaks. This is what we have reduced ourselves to.
You wonder why a man marries a woman, then goes to strip clubs, ogles at women in the street, watches porn, and cheats on her. Because hollywood, magazines, movies, and advertising are producing duplicates of one.
They took a woman, photoshopped her to the max, named her beauty and sent a guide to each house. If all of us are the same, what's the point of us existing? We're just duplicates. There's plenty more where that came from. We're disposable.
Men are not exempt. They face less trimming and pruning but they also have a cutout which they must fit.
Mass media: producing duplicates since the invention of visual media. Killing the human race in huge numbers.
Because that is what is happening. When you kill a person's individuality, you have killed that person. Because what is left is just another of a million.
If your man tells you he wants you to look like so-and-so, he doesn't want you, he wants that cutout. Even if he gets it, he will tire of it. He'll want a different cutout.
God created us diverse, and we tire of similarities. Humans thrive on change. So who are you tell a women that the way she was born is wrong? God made women beautiful. It is one of our main characteristics. We were created attractive. But if we're all striving to look the same, we have rendered our individual existences void.
Humans come in a spectrum of skin tones, eye colors, hair colors, hair textures, eye shapes, heights, weights, the list is never ending. Even if two humans have the same exact skin color, one will have a beauty mark, a birth mark and one won't. One will be tall, one will be short. One will have thick lashes and small eyes and one will have thin lashes and wide eyes. The diversity is endless. There is so much diversity in just the simplest things. And on top of that are the differences in personality. With all this, the one that you love cannot be replaced by another. Because how will you duplicate all this?
We should celebrate the fact that God has made each of us literally, the one and only of our type. Even identical twins have personality differences so they are not the same. The people who love you cannot find another of you.
And there is no other person like Jasmine (identities changed of course) or Menal or Rehan. Or Nadia or Sumra or Ahlam or Anika. Or Alia or Zayb or Hadil. If they are no longer here, there will be people that I may love as MUCH as them, but never people that I love like I love them.
So believe in God. Stop telling people to destroy the individuality He gave them.
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