Group Of Popular Girls Reduces Nation To Tears

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This article was hilarious and made some really interesting points...

"Even President Barack Obama wasn't spared from the popular teens' contempt.

"I was working hard on a plan to reduce U.S. oil consumption, and they were just sitting there smirking and pointing at me the whole time," said Obama, who overheard the girls whispering that he shouldn't have bailed out the U.S. auto industry without first calling for stronger provisions to improve fuel efficiency. "But that's how they operate. They find one little flaw in your energy policy and relentlessly make fun of you for it."

"They're probably laughing at me right now," Obama added. "I hate those girls!"

At press time, the group of girls reiterated its long-held stance that no one in the nation has any friends. When asked for further comment, the teenagers pointed at reporters, giggled, and said, "Whatever."" - From the article


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