Friday, November 13, 2009
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
A post from Muslim Girl
"...Well I for one find fault in your critique
My mode of dress should be my own affair
As natural to me as bowing down in prayer..."
Click the link above for the rest :)
This article was hilarious and made some really interesting points...
"Even President Barack Obama wasn't spared from the popular teens' contempt.
"I was working hard on a plan to reduce U.S. oil consumption, and they were just sitting there smirking and pointing at me the whole time," said Obama, who overheard the girls whispering that he shouldn't have bailed out the U.S. auto industry without first calling for stronger provisions to improve fuel efficiency. "But that's how they operate. They find one little flaw in your energy policy and relentlessly make fun of you for it."
"They're probably laughing at me right now," Obama added. "I hate those girls!"
At press time, the group of girls reiterated its long-held stance that no one in the nation has any friends. When asked for further comment, the teenagers pointed at reporters, giggled, and said, "Whatever."" - From the articleWelcome to a world of duplicates.
God created us in varying forms and personalities. He created us as individuals. God created plants and trees. And even each of those trees is unique.
So why do we seek to all be the same? Just like mass-produced brooms in a discount store. Every person who buys one gets a broom. If one breaks, you buy another because they are one and the same. There is no need for another broom unless the one you have breaks. This is what we have reduced ourselves to.
You wonder why a man marries a woman, then goes to strip clubs, ogles at women in the street, watches porn, and cheats on her. Because hollywood, magazines, movies, and advertising are producing duplicates of one.
They took a woman, photoshopped her to the max, named her beauty and sent a guide to each house. If all of us are the same, what's the point of us existing? We're just duplicates. There's plenty more where that came from. We're disposable.
Men are not exempt. They face less trimming and pruning but they also have a cutout which they must fit.
Mass media: producing duplicates since the invention of visual media. Killing the human race in huge numbers.
Because that is what is happening. When you kill a person's individuality, you have killed that person. Because what is left is just another of a million.
If your man tells you he wants you to look like so-and-so, he doesn't want you, he wants that cutout. Even if he gets it, he will tire of it. He'll want a different cutout.
God created us diverse, and we tire of similarities. Humans thrive on change. So who are you tell a women that the way she was born is wrong? God made women beautiful. It is one of our main characteristics. We were created attractive. But if we're all striving to look the same, we have rendered our individual existences void.
Humans come in a spectrum of skin tones, eye colors, hair colors, hair textures, eye shapes, heights, weights, the list is never ending. Even if two humans have the same exact skin color, one will have a beauty mark, a birth mark and one won't. One will be tall, one will be short. One will have thick lashes and small eyes and one will have thin lashes and wide eyes. The diversity is endless. There is so much diversity in just the simplest things. And on top of that are the differences in personality. With all this, the one that you love cannot be replaced by another. Because how will you duplicate all this?
We should celebrate the fact that God has made each of us literally, the one and only of our type. Even identical twins have personality differences so they are not the same. The people who love you cannot find another of you.
And there is no other person like Jasmine (identities changed of course) or Menal or Rehan. Or Nadia or Sumra or Ahlam or Anika. Or Alia or Zayb or Hadil. If they are no longer here, there will be people that I may love as MUCH as them, but never people that I love like I love them.
So believe in God. Stop telling people to destroy the individuality He gave them.
'Shopping While Black': Would You Stop Racism? - ABC News
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They staged it at Unpomela, that store I was blogging about way back at my old blog!
Oh and it was.
It started out with the usual. You know, moms says, "We're leaving at 6." I "uh huh" and at 6 I'm checking my email. I figure I should get ready so I head over to decide what to wear. Ask moms for advice, take or discard, run off to iron. My clothes refuse to iron, try some weird pillow trick to not much better results. By this point in time moms is pissed because of some responsibility she undertook which means that we have to get to the wedding early. She lists all her grievances against this current situation while I run around trying to prep for a wedding in the time frame of asap.
So I manage to sort of throw together a dressed up appearance, grab a pair of converted pumps (one of the ankle straps was misplaced at my sister's wedding) and run to the door... or attempt to. After months of wearing sneakers and other flats, I've sort of lost the hang of heels. Like 2-3" and up. So I sort of stagger and somehow make it to the car without twisted ankles and bruises.
So get this, we get to the wedding before all the guests and the bride, her mother, and her sister. So I get to be introduced to my mom's friends and then I head over to the bathroom to finish wedding prep.
I come back and it begins. The bored routine. My mom's friends are actually quite funny and seem to be enjoying themselves. I on the other hand I'm eying the water jug. But I resist because I know that once I pour myself water, it's going to begin. The for-lack-of-something-better-to-do-water sip. Then again I should have just went ahead. Going to the bathroom would give me something to do. Instead, I sat around and got berated about my career goals by several different people. You see, the thing about that question is that I've always had at least something in mind when I'm asked, but I just never disclose. I know myself. Stuff can change (and at times the stuff is just not acceptable to the parties asking) so I'm not going to tell everyone who asks, what my major is. The other bored daughter at our table gave everyone a satisfactory answer. Actually I'm not sure if it was satisfactory but I mean, she had one.
For a while I counted down till it was time to pray, I called people, I mused, I got some appetizers, I complained to myself, etc. Slowly, the hall got more populated. The best thing about being bored at a wedding has to have something to do with food. It's that simple, you are probably the most attentive person in the venue so when the foods out, you'll be the first one on line. And I was. Me and moms of course. So I staggered back and dug in and all too soon the food disappeared. But luckily by then, there were people willing to go home.
Things to do while bored at a wedding
1. Keep refilling your glass.
2. If you drink enough, you may have the opportunity to kill some time going to the bathroom.
2. Play Crash Bandicoot on your cell-phone.
3. Call all those people with whom you suck at keeping contact
4. Go to the bathroom and wash your hands, multiple times for no reason. (well maybe to re-learn to walk in your heels)
5. Try to figure out how to re-fold the napkins.
6. Fill in the blanks for conversations you can see but can't hear.
7. Pray voluntary prayers
8. Look through your mother's bag
9. Try out all the drinks at the Juice bar
10. Redo your hair
11. Identify all the people in the room that you even slightly know and make small talk with each one.
12. Realize that you're not that social and try to determine from who you received the loser gene
13. Give up on number 12 and decide to blame it on your high school gym teacher
14. Figure out what classes you should take in the Spring for your latest major
15. Try to remember all of your teachers since kindergarten
16. Ask your mother something you know she has a story of an answer for and stand there looking like you're not a loser. I'm sure there are some people there who don't know she's your mother.
17. Make a list of all the people you won't invite to your wedding.
18. Stuff your face. Boredom always leads to being well fed.
the best friend posted this on facebook. it's written very well.
But just to be stubborn, I’m going to make it number 11 or something.
What not to do when you’re supposed to be studying or writing papers
1. Check your email repeatedly even if you know it’s a sunday and you’re probably not getting anything important or even anything unimportant.
2. Sign in to both of your facebook accounts and get annoyed that all people do is take quizzes and that the people you actually care about aren’t updating their facebooks.
3. Go to the kitchen and eat leftover burger king and papa john’s and debate which is older (and as my brother put it, “we bought them yesterday so they’re both the same age.” Burgers are having ages now? Perhaps I really should get to studying… but then who’s going to finish writing this list?)
4. Have thumb wars with your little brother.
5. Read all the different menus you have in your bag and choose what you’d like to order (That place on Baxter St. seems REALLY good…).
6. Use Facebook chat, which you normally don’t use, and discuss summer plans and how you can’t wait til this semester ends and how you’re supposed to be writing papers and studying, with a few of your friends.
7. Take Facebook quizzes even though you think they’re stupid and annoying and write off most of the results as stupid and untrue.
8. Admire your new bag.
9. Give yourself virtual makeovers on
10. Rearrange your Summer and Fall schedules.
11. Make a list of what you shouldn’t do when it’s finals week and you have to write papers and study.
12. Apply for financial aid.
13. Take a nap.
14. Come up with reasons you plan on giving people when they ask you all disappointedly why you deleted them off your facebook
15. Look up apartments for either your parents to move to or yourself to move to in the future
16. Debate how much you’re going to miss your sister when she goes for vacation and whether you’ll miss her more this time or when she goes for vacation in July.
17. Debate whether your big toe is taller than the one next to it.
18. Get all annoyed about Season 3 of Veronica Mars and how the finale was not a finale and how there should be a season 4 except for that it shouldn’t suck.
19. Search online to find out if that Veronica Mars movie is ever going to exist.
20. Try to find the rest of the O’Grady seasons online.
21. Eat ice cream.
22. Debate whether blue fruit loops are cooler than blue M&M’s.
23. Count your eyelashes.
24. Make a list of reasons why your professor ruined your life. (Not to mention your English class)
On to the papers! (yeah right)
I was up yesterday grouping my list of poses/exercises from my senior year yoga class.
I’m not going to put instructions or anything, maybe a few links and pictures of the ones I really like. But they’re grouped generally according to what they benefit.
Oh, my teacher mixed yoga and pilates, we did stuff from both. A lot of the ab stuff is from pilates.
Stress exercises
Neck exercises
seated yoga mudra
standing yoga mudra
shoulder stand
Arms/shoulder exercises
standing yoga mudra
seated yoga mudra
Chest exercises
Abdominal exercises
rolling like a ball (pilates)
sun salutation
100’s (pilates)
ABC’s (pilates)
criss-cross (pilates)
single leg stretch (pilates)
double leg stretch (pilates)
scissors (pilates)
90 to 45 (pilates)
rollover (pilates)
Upper Back
standing yoga mudra
Lower Back
cobra (good for back aches)
shoulder stand
seated yoga mudra
King Pigeon
rollover (pilates)
rolling like a ball (pilates)
sun salutation
half spinal twist
king pigeon
standing yoga mudra
full bending
neck pull (pilates)
rollover (pilates)
leg series
More Hemingway. I didn’t get to read it today because I had an exam. To which I arrived 45 minutes late : D.
The last classic I read concerning war was All Quiet on the Western Front. Generally I’ve found that classics aren’t about war. Unless its a Shakespearean tragedy since you know, wars are great ways to end books and solve problems.
So yeah, the book is generally not what I expected but it’s pretty good. It’s characters are original and complex and the dialogue is amazing.
A few quotes:
“Unless they jam, run out of ammunition or get so hot they melt,” Robert Jordan said in English.
“What do you say?” Anselmo asked him.
“Nothing,” Robert Jordan said. “I was only looking into the future in English.”
“That is something truly rare,” the gypsy said. “Looking into the future in Ingles.”
“You must know the second half of a password.”
“What is the first half then?” Robert Jordan said.
“I have forgotten it,” the man said in the dark and laughed. “Go then unprintably to the campfire with they obscene dynamite… And when thou comest to the camp, order that some one should relieve me because I have indescribable and unprintable hunger and I have forgotten the password…
“That we blow up an obscene bridge and then have to obscenely well obscenity ourselves off out of these moutains?”
“One called Agustin says he dies of boredom above,” Robert Jordan said.
“That doesn’t kill,” Pablo said. “Let him die a little.”
Book is pretty long though. It’s like Harry Potter without teenagers.
I’m almost up to Chapter four of For Whom the Bell Tolls. So far it’s pretty good it’s just I find the style of speaking a little awkward. It sounds sort of like all of them are speaking languages that aren’t their native tongue. Robert Jordan is, but the rest of the characters are speaking Spanish. I guess maybe it’s like that since in a way all of the dialogue is a translation into English.
Some parts I liked:
“I am an old man who will live until I die,” Anselmo told him. “Also I am not afraid of foxes.”
“The gypsies believe the bear to be a brother to man because he has the same body beneath his hide, because he drinks beer, because he enjoys music and because he likes to dance.” – Anselmo
What kind of bear is this?!
There was another part that I don’t exactly remember. I’ll post it when I find it again.
Random Fact Generator. This is what I got.
During a 1956 speech for his campaign of de-Stalinization, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was asked by an unseen audience member why, as an advisor to the dictator, he had never stopped Stalin from committing his atrocities. Khrushchev immediately lashed out, “Who said that?” The room grew quiet. Khrushchev repeated his query to more silence, waited a beat, and then said, “Well, now you understand why.”
Cool, eh? I’m going to try again.
Below is a conversation among three intelligent people very near and dear to me. Well, two I guess. Calling yourself intelligent and saying that you are very near and dear to yourself is a bit conceited.
(Names are omitted to protect the innocent as they always will be on this blog)
A is quite glad and proud that she has finished a conversation in which she was ensnared for about a week…
Yesterday at 11:01pm
M at 11:46pm March 14
lol hooray! let’s have a wild party in celebration : )
A at 11:56pm March 14
Let’s have it at Morningstar Cafe… not Something-Something Diner… hee hee.
M at 12:09am March 15
lol yes indeed. im so in love with the idea of breakfast available all day : )
A at 12:11am March 15
I think there’s lots of places that do that, lots of diners/cafes.
M at 12:20am March 15
yeah i guess but one day me and L were on a hunt (around hunter lol) for waffles and we just couldnt find them because breakfast time was over : (
A at 12:21am March 15
That sucks… but, hey, now you know about Morningstar!! Now we can always go there. Mmm… waffles…
M at 12:22am March 15
yay, those pancakes were so fluffy
A at 12:23am March 15
As opposed to “flat as a pancake.” LOL. Hey, how was Ikea???
M at 12:26am March 15
LOL ur so witty : )
o it was fun. sorta packed. and we failed at convincing d to quit being a workaholic
M at 12:26am March 15
we happened to b sitting in front of the kids play area during lunch so it was like a free show
A at 12:27am March 15
They have a kids play area? Man, this Ikea is like a whole city… LOL
M at 12:29am March 15
yeah! basically u can live there. and it’d be a blast
A at 12:30am March 15
Oh, man, tell S to forget the castle… She should look up how much it would cost to buy Ikea…
A at 12:30am March 15
Nah… I think the dude who owns it is one of the richest people in the world… LOL
M at 12:31am March 15
LOL. and you guys can’t put hippos in the east river. i thought you were really into that?
A at 12:32am March 15
Yeah… hmmm… I don’t think the hippos would survive out there, so far away from their natural habitat…
A at 12:32am March 15
We could have… I don’t know… savage pigeons. LOL. What kinds of wild animals live in NYC??
M at 12:36am March 15
LOL but i hate pigeons.
i dunno? taxis? they’re pretty wild
A at 12:37am March 15
Pigeons are totally gross. As are taxis. LOL.
M at 12:41am March 15
yeah…maybe we should stick to the castle then lol. i like the castle idea. we’ll build it so that we can have our own water taxi to take us to ikea
A at 12:43am March 15
Man, that’s a great idea… So I guess we’d have to be pretty close to Ikea. Or just across an ocean or something. LOL.
M at 12:44am March 15
yup : ) we can live on an island somewhere
A at 12:46am March 15
Right. The island that we’ll buy. We can set up a government and a constitution… LOL. Too much American history.
M at 12:51am March 15
lol wt do we need that for if its just us three. “no person shall hatch super evil plans to invade the other persons’ wings”
A at 12:53am March 15
“We the people of this island, to form a more perfect, uh, island… something… do solemnly ordain that the water taxi will take us daily to Ikea.”
S at 12:23pm March 15
I hate to depress you guys, but the last person that tried to make their own island got invaded by Nigeria. I’m not even kidding.
M at 1:21pm March 15
which is why we’ll just have to b part of the u.s.
M at 1:21pm March 15
i guess we COULD just write that constitution for fun
S at 2:59pm March 15
Yeah… beats being part of Nigeria.
A at 3:05pm March 15
“We do solemnly swear and ordain that we will take any measures necessary never to become part of Nigeria…” ? LOL
M at 4:05pm March 15
lol thats hilarious but nigeria doesn’t have to honor that clause and im pretty sure their army has more than 3 ppl so wt measures would we take?
S at 4:11pm March 15
Umm… “screw you, you’re Nigeria” measures? Aren’t they like… an 8th world country?
A at 4:12pm March 15
LOL… We’ll just have to get ourselves an army. I’m sure there are plenty of people willing to protect us…
M at 7:32pm March 15
o right, thats true. theres always plenty of ppl willing to do wt we want since we’re good looking
A at 8:16pm March 15
Of course. Our beauty will speak for itself.
S at 8:17pm March 15
But… maybe we can keep Nigeria from attacking us by being beautiful.
S at 8:17pm March 15
Then we won’t need the army.
A at 8:18pm March 15
Even better. Make love, not war.
A at 8:18pm March 15
That’ll be part of our constitution.
M at 8:35pm March 15
lmao omg i’m going to save this conversation. this is the best decision making process ever
A at 8:37pm March 15
Indeed, this conversation deserves to be preserved for the ages…
my 50 musts in an asian drama
1. All problems are solved by going overseas. But if you go overseas, you go to Europe or America. Or Africa if you’re doing charity work. Asia and South America don’t actually exist : D
2. If you stand out in the rain, you get a fever and pass out. Because that’s what happens when you get a fever. Even though me and my friends get soaked in the rain for fun and aren’t even sneezing the next day.
3. AND, when you get a fever, the person who will eventually fall in love with you, or already is and is pretending not to will make you some form of oatmeal and put wet cloths on your head because there’s no such thing as fever reducer. You will remember this every time the two of you have a fight or when you’re realizing you love that person.
4. If you get into a fight, you get a strange red bruise on the corner of your lip, because your opponent always aims right there.
5. Your friends can sell your BABY but you’ll only be mad at them for a day and bring it up occasionally in an argument but you’ll still cheerily be best buds. : D
6. Everyone drinks entirely too much. Especially large groups of friends who hang out too much. They drink everyday, with their parents, when they’re depressed, when they’re happy, when they're meeting their significant other's parents, etc.
7. Everyone either has a heart condition or cancer. If it’s someone who has a bad relationship with someone close to them, they have a heart condition and have an attack every time the scriptwriter can’t think of a better resolution to the problem. Cancer also has that miraculous problem solving ability.
8. If a guy is hot, he’s probably rich. There are no hot poor guys.
9. No matter how rich or poor you are, all your worldly belongings manage to fit themselves into a single carry-on.
More to come : )
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