NBR Vista Tips and Tweaks Guide

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So we all agree that vista sucks. But if you're stuck with it, not enough green to upgrade to windows 7, not daring enough to make the linux leap into freedom and happiness (don't feel bad, I only did complete linux once. I realized there are some things I can't do without windows. So I use linux for everything and once in a while I use vista for some program that refuses to like linux), you can tweak vista so it's less sucky.

I've used this multiple times, on my computer and others. Usually it was on my laptop after my multiple operating system/dual-boot experiments. Ah, I love doing those :)

NBR Vista Tips and Tweaks Guide

Quoted from the above link.

"by Les Tokar


The following guide is a compilation of the absolute best tips and tweaks found on the net as contributed through NBR members. These tips tweaks are presented to enhance the Vista user experience and have been tried and tested by several, each tweak proven very effective if the instructions are followed as described. Although these have been tested, their is no guarantee as to their effectiveness on any one system as individual hardware, software and manufacturer limitations must be considered.

Good luck. Don't panic if something appears not to work correctly and, most of all, ensure you follow the instructions VERBATIM(tx Pixelot) when effecting a tweak. Members are always available in the forum to help you along. Also, there is another valuable thread which provides access to the best Free Software found on the net compiled and maintained by Calvin. Feel free to check that out here once finished with your tweaking and tuning."


Les Tokar said...

Thank you for commenting on my Guide!!!! Feel free to check out two that I have just created on my own, the first being the Windows 7 update to that guide at www.myw7blog.blogspot.com. The second is The SSD Review at www.thessdreview.blogspot.com

Tx again !!

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