The Best Laid Plans

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Below is a conversation among three intelligent people very near and dear to me. Well, two I guess. Calling yourself intelligent and saying that you are very near and dear to yourself is a bit conceited.

(Names are omitted to protect the innocent as they always will be on this blog)
A is quite glad and proud that she has finished a conversation in which she was ensnared for about a week…
Yesterday at 11:01pm
M at 11:46pm March 14
lol hooray! let’s have a wild party in celebration : )
A at 11:56pm March 14
Let’s have it at Morningstar Cafe… not Something-Something Diner… hee hee.
M at 12:09am March 15
lol yes indeed. im so in love with the idea of breakfast available all day : )
A at 12:11am March 15
I think there’s lots of places that do that, lots of diners/cafes.
M at 12:20am March 15
yeah i guess but one day me and L were on a hunt (around hunter lol) for waffles and we just couldnt find them because breakfast time was over : (
A at 12:21am March 15
That sucks… but, hey, now you know about Morningstar!! Now we can always go there. Mmm… waffles…
M at 12:22am March 15
yay, those pancakes were so fluffy
A at 12:23am March 15
As opposed to “flat as a pancake.” LOL. Hey, how was Ikea???
M at 12:26am March 15
LOL ur so witty : )
o it was fun. sorta packed. and we failed at convincing d to quit being a workaholic
M at 12:26am March 15
we happened to b sitting in front of the kids play area during lunch so it was like a free show
A at 12:27am March 15
They have a kids play area? Man, this Ikea is like a whole city… LOL
M at 12:29am March 15
yeah! basically u can live there. and it’d be a blast
A at 12:30am March 15
Oh, man, tell S to forget the castle… She should look up how much it would cost to buy Ikea…
A at 12:30am March 15
Nah… I think the dude who owns it is one of the richest people in the world… LOL
M at 12:31am March 15
LOL. and you guys can’t put hippos in the east river. i thought you were really into that?
A at 12:32am March 15
Yeah… hmmm… I don’t think the hippos would survive out there, so far away from their natural habitat…
A at 12:32am March 15
We could have… I don’t know… savage pigeons. LOL. What kinds of wild animals live in NYC??
M at 12:36am March 15
LOL but i hate pigeons.
i dunno? taxis? they’re pretty wild
A at 12:37am March 15
Pigeons are totally gross. As are taxis. LOL.
M at 12:41am March 15
yeah…maybe we should stick to the castle then lol. i like the castle idea. we’ll build it so that we can have our own water taxi to take us to ikea
A at 12:43am March 15
Man, that’s a great idea… So I guess we’d have to be pretty close to Ikea. Or just across an ocean or something. LOL.
M at 12:44am March 15
yup : ) we can live on an island somewhere
A at 12:46am March 15
Right. The island that we’ll buy. We can set up a government and a constitution… LOL. Too much American history.
M at 12:51am March 15
lol wt do we need that for if its just us three. “no person shall hatch super evil plans to invade the other persons’ wings”
A at 12:53am March 15
“We the people of this island, to form a more perfect, uh, island… something… do solemnly ordain that the water taxi will take us daily to Ikea.”
S at 12:23pm March 15
I hate to depress you guys, but the last person that tried to make their own island got invaded by Nigeria. I’m not even kidding.
M at 1:21pm March 15
which is why we’ll just have to b part of the u.s.
M at 1:21pm March 15
i guess we COULD just write that constitution for fun
S at 2:59pm March 15
Yeah… beats being part of Nigeria.
A at 3:05pm March 15
“We do solemnly swear and ordain that we will take any measures necessary never to become part of Nigeria…” ? LOL
M at 4:05pm March 15
lol thats hilarious but nigeria doesn’t have to honor that clause and im pretty sure their army has more than 3 ppl so wt measures would we take?
S at 4:11pm March 15
Umm… “screw you, you’re Nigeria” measures? Aren’t they like… an 8th world country?
A at 4:12pm March 15
LOL… We’ll just have to get ourselves an army. I’m sure there are plenty of people willing to protect us…
M at 7:32pm March 15
o right, thats true. theres always plenty of ppl willing to do wt we want since we’re good looking
A at 8:16pm March 15
Of course. Our beauty will speak for itself.
S at 8:17pm March 15
But… maybe we can keep Nigeria from attacking us by being beautiful.
S at 8:17pm March 15
Then we won’t need the army.
A at 8:18pm March 15
Even better. Make love, not war.
A at 8:18pm March 15
That’ll be part of our constitution.
M at 8:35pm March 15
lmao omg i’m going to save this conversation. this is the best decision making process ever
A at 8:37pm March 15
Indeed, this conversation deserves to be preserved for the ages…


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